Saturday, March 9, 2019

Napoleon: Power & Splendor

This was the first weekend in some time that the weather has been decent in KC so, we ventured out to the Nelson Atkins Museum of Art to see the exhibition Napoleon: Power & Splendor. If this comes around your area, it is definitely worthwhile. Being a Napoleon geek, it was definitely worthwhile seeing the items on display. And it was inexpensive. I got in on the senior rate, WTH!. But hey a couple bucks saved is ok too. One of the first things you see upon entering the exhibit is this iconic portrait of the man himself.

I think I may have gotten some goosebumps when I saw this. Truly amazing to see it in the flesh. As you traveled through the gallery there were numerous other portraits like these.

 The top guy I forgot who it is. The one on the bottom was Napoleon's Chamberlain. Below is a portrait of an aide-de camp to Napoleon in the uniform of a cuirassier. I believe his name was LeGrand (not the General).

No exhibition of Napoleon would be complete without his right hand man Marshal Berthier.

As a gamer, this next selection intrigued me. These are essentially miniatures representing the Imperial Guard. 

The pictures above show the following troops, top to bottom, Grenadier a Cheval, Grenadiers of the Imperial Guard, Chasseurs of the Imperial Guard, and the Guard Mamluks. All of the guard units seemed to be included in the display. Super Cool!

There were also some personal items like his hunting dagger, and a coat. I did not see a placard for the coat so I don't know it's story.

And there was, of course, an Imperial dinner service.

As we continued there was this tower clock. What I found notable was the engraving on it with the name of Marshal Ney.

There was also this fabulous bust, that was a gift from Napoleon to Bessieres I believe.

I am not a big fan of tapestries, but, this one caught my eye. Mainly because it features Roustam, Napoleon's mamluk valet.

This last item was one of my favorites. I would have this over my fireplace in a hot second.

There were a bunch of other items, too many to show here. Again if this comes to a nearby Museum it is worth the time to go see it.


  1. Looks fantastic. Great pics. Thanks for sharing. I have the book/catalogue of this exhibition. If I want to see it, though, I'll have to go to France, as its big visiting 'perfidious Albion'!

    1. Er... 'big' should be 'not'! Damn predictive text...
