Saturday, January 4, 2020

Start of A New Decade

This year has certainly been a mixed bag as far as gaming goes. While I had a decent amount of time to paint, gaming time was really non existent. It was expected for the most part so not too disappointing. This year will start out much the same. Qiuyan's daughter will be immigrating to the US in February, so there will be some things to get done until she gets licensed and able to drive. I imagine that will dominate the first half of the year. Painting time should remain intact, and gaming time should increase as the year goes on. I started work on a gaming room in the basement last week. That is progressing per plan, and should be done this spring, once I get a table built. I'll share that once it is complete. As far as this post goes, I'll showcase some stuff I have gotten painted in the last few months, then I'll review my goals for 2019, and then set some goals for 2020.


First up we have some mounted samurai. 

These are 28mm Old Glory. I am always intimidated when starting samurai. There is so much to them and it is daunting. These were no exception. I did figure out a process while painting these and I started more today. The process seems to be making them less intimidating and going forward they should be a bit simpler. 

This next model was a figure from the October 2018 Model Box. If you are unfamiliar with Model Box, it is a subscription service featuring miniatures, paints, and other modeling items (usually bases or scatter terrain), delivered as a monthly themed "box". The October 2018 theme was Horror. You can find more information at

 It is Freddy Kruger without being Freddy Kruger. I painted him along those lines without the striped shirt. I felt that with all the other things going on with this model a striped shirt just would not look right. He is a resin model and was very easy to paint. I am really happy with how he turned out. In that same Model Box was a play on Alien with the Rox character that is the mascot of the Model Box. Rox The Model Box Fox

Again this was part of the October 2018 Model Box. This too is a resin model, super easy to paint. As you can see a little green alien Rox is bursting through the chest of the space explorer Rox. Rox was a monthly exclusive up through the end of 2019. 2020 will still feature an exclusive figure in each box, it just won't be the Rox character.

 Next up are some unique figures. These are FAA 20mm Fallschirmjager with the helicopter backpacks.

It seems to be a wacky contraption, and I have not been able to find any information on these things. I had to paint them none the less, just because of the novelty factor. 

Next up are some Early War Miniatures (edit) 20mm WW2 Italians.

EWM has a nice 20mm line of WW2 figures. The Italians were ok. The moldings were not very crisp.  Now, I have had these for some time, and the molds may be better now than they were when these were cast.

 I painted up a German command group from FAA.

Last, but not least, for the painting section are some Asian civilians/peasants from the old Black Hat range, now produced and sold by Scotia Grendel as the Tales of the Dragon Kings line. 

These are really good figures, and though they are marketed as Chinese, they will really fit as peasants for any Asian country. They are pretty generic with no discernible "Chinese" clothing. The only thing that would really make these better would have been grooves on the hats. I suppose I could have done that but, I thought of it too late.

Goals for 2019

Well lets take a look at my goals for 2019 and how I fared.

Rebase my ECW figures for Baroque - Got this one done for the most part. The project is partially finished so I had some units that are in need of a few figures. I have finally got a bead on what I want to do with this project so in the coming weeks I'll get the figures sorted out and see what I may need to complete the ECW.

Finish my 28mm WW2 Japanese - Got about 1/2 done

Finish my 28mm Warlord/WW2 Chinese - about 2/3 done

Rebase Feudal French and Classical Indian to Impetus - not done

Complete my Gangs of Rome Project - Not started

Assemble 28mm Japanese buildings - Not done

Game twice a month - Definitely not done.

Finish basing painted SYW stuff - This was completed

Base painted 6mm Napoleonics - Not done

Blog more - Would have been hard not to but I did succeed here

Start 15mm WSS project - I did to a limited degree. I was able to sort through the figures I had, determine what I needed for the project, and get it set up to start.

While I wasn't able to complete anywhere near the amount of projects I wanted to, I am still happy with what I was able to accomplish.

Goals for 2020 

I'm am going to keep my goals more modest and open ended for this year. I know what is ahead of me this coming year.

Finish the game room - the biggest parts will be the table (mostly deciding on size and the construction), and adding can lights, the lighting is atrocious.

Base/Rebase 6mm Napoleonics. I have piles of painted/unbased as well as based stuff that I want to base for Grand Armee.

Finish my SYW project - Need to do some French heavy horse, Saxons, and the Brits/Allies

Finish my 28mm WW2 Chinese and Japanese.

Continue my WSS project.

Continue my Mexican American War project.

Assemble 28mm Feudal Japanese Buildings

Assemble Chinese buildings.

Paint a minimum of 1200 figures while purchasing only the figures I need to complete ongoing projects.

That's quite a bit and I think I'll leave it at that. Should be enough to keep me out of trouble. I hope you all have enjoyed this post. I'll be getting part 2 of my vacation in China up in the next few days.

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