I was going to review a few rule/scenario books I picked up recently, but, that will have to wait till next time, I was just too busy the last couple weeks to get to it. But, I do have some painted figures to show you all.
First up I have some Mexican militia for the Mexican American War
These are a mix of manufacturers, some Minifig, some Musket, some I have no clue. Flags are all from The Virtual Armchair General.
Next up some Spanish Civil War
Top to bottom, Republican Militia, Moroccans, Requetes. All HPC figures. Then I have some Greeks for SAGA.
All of these guys are Victrix, shield transfers from Little Big Men Studios. Frankly, I have too many peltasts for SAGA, but, they will get used in bigger skirmish games or on sabots for Impetus. The owl shields are metal shields from Footsore.
Also, I got the following from Footsore
Some Thracians, and objective markers! These are all from Footsore's Mortal Gods range. I considered doing the buried statue in a marble look with some remaining paint, but opted for the bronze instead. Cool little markers, handy for a variety of rules.
Well that's all for this time around. I'll get a look at those rules and scenario books for next time.