I finally got around to putting this post together and realized that it has been over 3 months since I posted last. It does seem that long, and then again it doesn't. Things have been pretty busy around here. Some long neglected home improvement tasks are beckoning, and it looks like things will be back to normal here soon. The FLGS, Tabletop Game and Hobbies is back open for gaming again, and it looks like HistoriKC is going to be back this July. With Border Wars being moved to the fall instead of its usual May timeframe. Things have been going quite well in the painting department. I should have several posts in the next couple weeks showing what I have gotten done since early February. I had decided this year, to make my painting more project oriented, rather that the mish mash it has been in the past. I am still throwing in some small groups from other projects to break things up a bit, but, I am keeping to my goal of tearing into some bigger projects. So without further ado here are the latest offerings.

First up are some Praetorian Guard from Warlord Games. I had originally purchased these to do a Broken Legions force, and they will still serve that purpose. But, with the advent of SAGA ancients I think they will do ok for that game as well, once the supplement for that period comes out. I had purchased a couple of the Warlord mystery boxes and in one I got a box of Legionaries, so these guys have reinforcements on the way. These are really easy figures to assemble and paint, unless you do like I did and glued the shields on first. I have learned my lesson on that, it won't happen again. Shield designs are Little Big Men Studios transfers. They come in two parts so can be a bit fiddly but they turned out good after a sepia wash.
Next up is a large grouping for my Mexican American War project.
1st Mexican Line Cavalry Freikorps |
Mississippi Rifles Old Glory |
1st Kentucky Mounted Rifles Old Glory |
Mexican San Luis Militia Old Glory |
11th Mexican Line Infantry Old Glory |
Mexican Line Infantry Minifig |
Mexican Morelia Militia Old Glory |
Mexican Coraceros Militia Old Glory |
Mexican Independencia Militia Mostly Old Glory |
Mexican Mounted Rifles |
Mexico City Line Cavalry |
As you can see I made some great progress with my MAW project. The figures are all based for Regimental Fire & Fury. I have noted the figures used in the photo captions. The last two units I am not sure what figures they are. Possibly early Minifig. Flags are all from The Virtual Armchair General sets. He has great sets of flags for the period, rather comprehensive. The sheets also include lance pennons as you can see in the first picture. They are a pain to put on in 15mm, but they look good so I guess it was worth the effort.
Next up are Hoplites!
Figures are 28mm Warlord Games. Shields are for the most part Little Big Men Studios transfers. I did use a couple of the Warlord waterslide decals. I found the decals to be just horrible. Too thick, so microsol doesn't work too well where there are creases, like the skirting at the bottom of the shield. The only issue I had with the LBMS transfers was conforming to the curvature of the shields. I am going to try slicing them around the perimeter next time, to see if that helps. Other than that they look great. This was another case of gluing shields on too early. Next time I'll leave the shield arms off till after it is painted and just touch up the joint. I plan on using these guys for SAGA, Impetus (with sabot bases), and probably Mortal Gods. I like to keep my options open.

Last up are some 20mm SS for my early WW2 project. They are mostly done. Just have some odds and ends to complete, and some armor. Here we have some MG and mortar supports. These are all FAA miniatures from the LAH range.
Well that is all for now. Next time I'll have some more cool stuff, possibly next weekend if I have time.