Well that was a quick couple months since my last post. Time is certainly flying by. I am getting much painted but the lead mountain seems to be the same. I thought I would share my progress over the last couple months.
First off we will be heading to the Empire of Japan. Here are a few of the 20mm Japanese I did for my Island War project.
This is a sample of the 60+ I have finished. I'll just need to add some support weapons and vehicles. The last picture are Frontier but the others I could not figure out. Looked at EWM and FAA but they did not match. I was fortunate enough to find some 1/72 scale tanks on ebay. They are from China, and they have to be assembled, but, they are already done in a camouflage scheme. I bought a couple that I need to get together. I'll definitely share them when I do.
Next up are some figures from the samurai period. Up first is Oda Nobunaga and a palanquin set from AW Miniatures They make a nice range of 28mm Samurai, as well as some other periods.
Oda came with a banner bearer as well. I have to figure out a banner for him so he is not pictured. I left the palanquin doors open just because there is a figure in there. I mean whats the point if you can't see it, right?
Next are some figures from the old Clan War range done by AEG
I had a lot of fun painting the Oni and the ogre. I was torn a bit on the ogre's skin tone, but settled on this scheme this time. I have some others buried somewhere so I may change it up a bit on those. From top to bottom is the Oni No Akuma, Lion Clan Elite Spearmen, Ogre, some misc. stuff, and some Crab Clan Samurai. These guys will get used in either a Lion Rampant type game or the variant for Test of Honour for the Clan War stuff.
The final entry for Japan this time is the geisha from Warlord Games. While I don't think she is available individually, I think she is in one of the Erehwon sets.
I was a bit disappointed on how the decal turned out. But, I will just pait over it and use it as a template. I did enjoy doing a bit of research on geisha and the difference in the makeup between them and the maiko.
Next we head to 1930s Spain for the Spanish Civil War.
These guys are all from the old HPC range that is currently not in production. They are, however, available from RH Models as the Bandera range. I did confirm with them a couple weeks ago. Top to bottom we have Nationalist Infantry in Spanish Helmet, Assault Guard machine gunners, and some Andalusian Lewis Gunners in the sun hat. I really like these figures and the variety in the range. They are substantially bigger than the Minairons range unfortunately. That will not stop me from using Minairons vehicles though.
Next up is more of my Mexican American War Project
This is kind of a hodge podge group in that, I was finishing up some units that for some reason I had only partially completed. Now I am "caught up" I can paint complete units. As is customary for me now, I do both side of a conflict.
Now for something a bit more modern.
Rhodesians! Selous Scouts to be exact. There are from the Liberation Miniatures range, which coincidentally, is sold by RH Models I had picked these up second hand along with some ZANLA/ZIPRA types I have yet to paint. They are 20mm and were super easy to paint. I was at first intimidated by the camo scheme but once I got a system down it worked pretty well.
The last entry for this post is some scatter terrain.
I wish I could remember the manufacturer of these. I had bought them from Bad Squiddo in the Bargain Bin so I can't look back to see. And the packaging has long been tossed. Anyway, a few columns and such for dark age skirmishes.
I was also, able to get my Feudal French army rebased for Impetus, and I painted a hand full of figs to fill out 2-3 units. I will most likely be posting sooner than two months from now. I have a ton of stuff painted and awaiting basing. Probably paint for another week or two then get it all based. I hope you all are in good health and staying busy despite everything that has been going on.