I'm on a roll with blog posts this week. Not that I have any extra time. Fortunately I am able to work from home in the same capacity I do in my little office, so there isn't any extra time to paint/hobby in that regard. Though there is certainly more time to paint/hobby due to the fact we can't go do anything else. Most of this was painted January/February, and based/flocked a couple weeks ago. I was a bit delayed in posting because I could not get them clear coated due to the high humidity the last couple of weeks. Better safe than sorry when it comes to that.
First up are some Gripping Beast Dark Age Archers. I am not sure if they sell them as a particular nationality, but, they are generic enough to use with most Dark Age armies. I had bought them second hand and discovered that a few were missing bows. Thankfully Gripping Beast sells weapons separately so I was able to finish them up like they should be.
Next up are some Old Glory 28mm Mounted Samurai. I really like these figures. They can be a little rough around the edges but they paint up nicely. The two guys with spears were broken standard bearers but with the help of a pin vise they were given spears instead.
This next group is again from Dark Age Europe. I think they are Gripping Beast Mounted Vikings.They are sufficiently generic to use for most armies of the era. I feel an explanation is in order here. Usually when starting out a new project, I had in the past taken a shotgun approach to collecting. I would buy a bunch of stuff, preferably in a large lot, then pick through and keep what I wanted. They didn't necessarily come in the original packs, etc. So sometimes I have some difficulty labeling them. That and it seems as though Gripping Beast has dropped some of their older metal figures. These guys were in pretty good shape, but some others I just painted had some serious molding issues.
This next group from the same era, is a more Norman/Saxon bunch. Again I am pretty sure they are Gripping Beast. They are foot spearmen. The shields are from Little Big Men Studios I absolutely love their stuff, and it is so easy to use too.
This next group are Vikings from Wargames Foundry I have always thought the price point a bit too high, but man, they are really nice figures. Well sculpted, clean casts, I guess I have been missing out!
These next two guys are Dark Age as well. They are a couple of character figures from Black Tree Design. I have to say they make some great figures with pretty clean casting. And at a very affordable price point. That sounds great you may exclaim! Unfortunately, many people have had excessive issues with order fulfillment. If you want to read stories about it there are plenty on The Miniatures Page or the Lead Adventure Forum . My personal experience has been quite good. Always shipped promptly, and the one time I had a back order it was at my home within a couple weeks. So buy at your own risk I guess.
Well that is enough of the Dark Ages for now, on to World War Two! This batch are Warlord Games multipart plastic Japanese from the Special Naval Landing Force Box. They seem pretty generic to me. I had decided a while ago that I would split my Japanese into two different schemes. The plastics would be in the green uniform, and my metals would all be in the yellowish uniform. So these guys are all painted in the green uniform. I decided after this group that the WW2 plastics were just not for me. While it is cool that you can customize them, they are just too time consuming and tough on my old eyes. So I sold off all my other box sets and have replaced some with metal. Looks like I forgot to paint a few base edges. I'll have to get to that.
This next guy, I got in a lot of miniatures I had bought to resell. Alas, no one wanted him, so I decided to take a crack at him. He looks to be from Games Workshop, and I am assuming he is a Dwarf artillery crewman, based upon the cannon sponge he is carrying. He was fun to paint, and a welcome diversion from my usual fare.
These last ones are a potion of my 20mm early war Germans I have completed. Quite frankly they pretty much look the same, so I decided on a sample of poses to post this time. These guys are from Early War Miniatures . I have to say that I was not particularly happy with these castings. The sculpting or molding was just not very good. They paint up decent, but they leave much to be desired. Here we have a machine gun team and mortar crew, as well as some infantry types. Since the uniforms are more or less the same these guys will serve double duty as Wehrmacht and SS.
Well that's it this time. I am feverishly painting away, so in the next few weeks I should have some SHQ early war Dutch, some Skull and Crown Miniatures Triumph of Death stuff, and who knows what else, to show you folks. Take care of yourselves and stay healthy!