It has been a good holiday weekend thus far, and productive when it comes to getting minis done. I have a fresh batch that I flocked and flat coated this weekend. As I said last time, this is a more project oriented post. Meaning that I stepped away from my usual shotgun approach and focused more on a specific project or two. But, to start out I'll show you the odd stuff I painted.
First up is a figure that we gave away at the HMGS-PSW Mini-Wars 2017 convention. It was out first big convention in a long time and we wanted to make it special so we commissioned this WW2 Paratrooper. The sculptors name was Faron Betchley, a paratrooper himself. The sculpt is titled The Complete Paratrooper. We did rename him as Capt. Keennon, in honor of our chapter treasurer Tim Keennon who passed away about 1 month prior to the convention. Dude has been waiting a year and a half for some paint. I opted for the Market Garden color uniform. You will note he is well equipped, including a messenger pigeon, and a typewriter. I was a bit perplexed as far as what I was going to do with the shield, but I thought the Screaming Eagle (or Yellin Chicken) would be a good choice. The plaque thing on the ground was originally in his hand but I decided to cut it off and place it on the base instead.
This is the Snakeman Warden II from Northstar Miniatures, in their Frostgrave Ghost Archipelago range. Not something I would have normally purchased but, I received him in a Model Box. Model Box is a monthly subscription service. You receive a box with a themed array of miniatures, bases, paints, and some other goodeies. You can look up Model Box unboxing on youtube to see what has come in past boxes. If you are interested you can go to to sign up. This particular box was themed "Lost" it came with this guy, the next figure I am going to show you, and the Dangerous Dames from my last post.
This dinosaur was fun to paint, and definitely a break from my routine. Again he was in the "Lost" Model Box. He is an Ankylosaurus from Magister Militum. He was super easy to paint, and a nice break from the usual stuff. Incidentally the flowered tuft on his base came from the same Model Box. They are tufts from Serious Play. They are self adhesive so a bit difficult to handle. I glued them down with PVA so I don't know how the adhesive works, but, it did stick to my fingers well.
As I had stated before this post is more project oriented. So here is the first grouping.
These are Warlord Era Chinese from Copplestone's Back of Beyond Range. These are really nice sculpts and a joy to paint. I did mix in a few alternatively colored coats and pants, but for the most part they are Vallejo Field Blue. I managed to get the colors on the five pointed star hat badge. It turned out ok but the star is really too small to show off well. There will be more of these guys coming up in future posts. And, since I have some Chinese, I needed some Japanese to fight them.
These are metal 28mm Japanese from the Brigade Games line. Very nicely sculpted and fun to paint. They have a nice range with a decent variety. Makes me want to get started on my US Army figures that I got in their Kickstarted a couple years ago.
The MGs were fun to base. I used some 10mm tufts from Scenic Effects on these large bases. The 10mm tufts were not an item I was happy with. Their 6mm tufts were great, but these were very sparse tuft wise, and the glue at the bottom was clearly visible. I found that I could glue the tuft on, then dab some watered down PVA on the visible glue, then sprinkle the basing material I was using on top. They actually turned out great. I don't know that I would buy a bunch more of that size tuft, but they can look good in the right situation.
There is a crew of snipers.
Grenade Dischargers, in action and on the move.
Officers and NCOs to lead that Banzai charge.
Some dudes to take out the enemy tanks.
And a light machine gun for good measure.
There is also these characters. I am not sure what the equipment they are carrying is. If you know please comment so I can use them properly.
This is a really nice range with great choices in support weapons as well. I opted here for the temperate uniforms rather than the tropical. I do have a boatload more coming up so I'll probably do some in the tropical color as well. Well that's all for this installment. Happy Gaming! And I'll catch you all next time.