The middle command is deployed forward in the town and the hill just past it. The cavalry command is centered in the rear and my command in columns closest to the camera. The French arrived on the table edge to the right. Not sure of where they would concentrate we retained a couple commands back till they started to move on.
The French start to trickle on to my front. He kind of got stuck there a couple turns due to bad command rolls, while I was able to deploy.
As a second unit entered to my front, I started to deploy in line with the front edge of the village. with a couple supporting batteries.
My unit fully deployed and ready for the French onslaught.
As the action stalled in my area devolving into a shooting match, the rest of the table heated up. The Prussian cavalry has left the center rear to meet a flanking attack to our left rear. This was dispatched handily, and allowed the cavalry to meet a new threat that materialized from the French side of the board on that flank. The French attacked heavily with infantry on the far village and the center hill between the two villages. They finally captured the far village but were repulsed at the hill in the center.
This is when the center Prussian player decided that the best defense is a "good" offense and attacked!
About that time I had a unit collapse from fire. leaving a small gap that was quickly plugged by a reserve battalion.
The Prussian attack goes in and is heavily repulsed leaving the door open for the French to take the crossing. Since our reinforcing brigade never arrived we were in a pickle and our fate was sealed. Though that fate was disputed by some. Overall, a great game and as always good times with friends.