Saturday, September 7, 2024

Hobby Update August 2024

 I decided to do things a bit differently with my blog. Its been 4 months since I posted last and it seems like a bother at times, or repetitive, to me at least. So, I just don't do it. But, inspired by some others, I am going to do it more as a monthly hobby update covering gaming, painting, reading, and purchases. The painting will always be stuff from a couple months prior that I just based and finished. Basing is one of my biggest hurdles and there is generally a delay when it comes to that part. Right now I have the entire armies for Albuera waiting to be based, as well as a large portion of the Battle of Falkirk Muir. It will probably get caught up some by the end of the year but probably not completely. So, lets get started!


This is easy, there was none. We had a lot going on last month and early this month, so, I kinda took the month off from doing any gaming. May get back to it this month, but certainly next.


The time I have for painting has diminished for the forseeable future, but, I still get a decent mount of painting each day. Here is some stuff from this spring.

First up Spanish Civil War

Carlist Requetes

Carlist Requetes

Carlist Requetes






Up top are Carlist Requetes, a bunch of militia and Republicans in the middle, the last 5 pics are all Italians. All figures are the old HPC.

Here we have a bunch of Mexican American War American militia and mounted rifles. These are all Old Glory 15s, with flags from The Virtual Armchair General.


Finished a couple of good books this last month The first is a holocaust related one called The Lost

While the outcome is the same as most Holocaust reading, the authors journey to discover their fate was quite interesting. A more thorough review can be found here

The other book I finished was this fantastic volume

Absolutely loved it, a somewhat more complete review is here


This month saw a few book and gaming purchases. I did get a few figures, a box of Perry ACW cav for a Bushwhacker project, a few sprues of Warlord Pike & Shotte foot for my 30 YW project, and a handful of 15mm ACW just because they were such a great deal.

I also got this KS in the mail

I look forward to going through this. I like the period, and these are supposed to be great rules for it.

I also picked up a few books

Got these new from Daedalis Books for under $10 each. I think the total was under $40 including shipping.

There were some eBay finds as well.

I have been picking up the Pacific editions as I find them at a price I like. I found a three book lot including one of the European books, and they threw in the Bulge book for free. Some nice pickups overall.

Well that's it for this time. See ya at the end of the month!